As per the latest development, India-Nepal bus services have started again after a hiatus of two long years. As per the news reports, a private bus operator with the help of North Bengal State Transport Corporation (NBSTC) has started the Siliguri-Kakarvitta-Kathmandu bus service recently. State Transport Minister Firhad Hakim was in attendance and inaugurated the bus service.
If reports are to go by, the bus will be available on a regular basis from Tenzing Norgay bus terminus at 2 PM, which will cover around 615 km and reach Kathmandu the next morning at around 7 AM. The ticket prices will cost around INR 1500 per person.
While speaking with the media personnel, Mr Hakim added that he is happy to see that the bus service has been started by NBSTC after a long gap of two years. With this, the tourism between Nepal and North Bengal will witness a boost, which will further attract more and more visitors in the future. This will likely push NBSTC to run more buses to meet the rising demand.
Mr Hakim also added that they are waiting for the NOC from the Bangladesh side to run the bus service from Siliguri to Dhaka, Bangladesh, which will also start soon after they get permission.
People from both sides believe that the bus service will benefit all, and that the fares are also affordable. The bus operator believes that the India-Nepal bus services will also facilitate travel of those who wish to visit Nepal for medical and religious reasons.
So, although the India-Nepal bus service was suspended for two long years, its resumption will definitely benefit passengers in numerous ways.
Source: indiatimes
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